54.1-3916 - Legal aid societies.
§ 54.1-3916. Legal aid societies.
A. The Virginia State Bar through its governing body is authorized topromulgate rules and regulations governing the function and operation oflegal aid societies to further the objective of providing legal assistance topersons requiring such assistance but unable to pay for it. To the extentthat interest is paid by a financial institution on client funds deposited byattorneys or law firms in pooled interest bearing accounts established andmaintained under circumstances which do not conflict with § 54.1-3915.1, anyinterest earned on such accounts shall be paid by the financial institutionperiodically, but at least quarterly, to the Legal Services Corporation ofVirginia.
B. The rules and regulations adopted under subsection A may be enforced bythe Virginia State Bar, or by the Attorney General if so authorized by theVirginia State Bar.
C. It shall be a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person, firm, corporation orother organization to render legal services as a legal aid society, or forany attorney to render legal services at the instance or request of any suchperson, firm, corporation or organization unless the person, firm,corporation or organization complies with the rules and regulations adoptedunder subsection A hereof. In addition to the criminal penalty, an injunctionshall lie to prevent any violation of this section or rule or regulationadopted hereunder.
(1956, Ex. Sess., c. 47; 1958, c. 253; 1988, c. 765; 1995, c. 93.)