54.1-3914 - Forfeiture of license for failing to pay fees; restoration of license.

§ 54.1-3914. Forfeiture of license for failing to pay fees; restoration oflicense.

Any attorney licensed to practice in this Commonwealth who fails for twosuccessive years to pay the annual fees provided for by § 54.1-3912, shallthereby forfeit his license to practice law in this Commonwealth.

On or before July 31 of each year, the Executive Director of the VirginiaState Bar shall notify every attorney whose fees for the two preceding yearshave not been paid. The notice shall be deemed to have been given ifdeposited by registered or certified mail addressed to such attorney at hisaddress as shown on the Executive Director's official records. If payment isnot received by the Executive Director within six months from the date ofsuch notice, he shall remove the name of the attorney from his list ofpersons qualified to practice law in Virginia, and shall notify the clerk ofthe Supreme Court of Virginia that the name of the attorney has been removed.The name of any attorney so removed shall be restored only upon applicationof such person to the Executive Director accompanied by a sum equal to theaggregate of all fees which are due, plus a penalty of $100. Upon receipt ofthe fees and penalty, the Executive Director shall restore the name of suchperson to his list of persons qualified to practice law in Virginia and shallnotify the clerk of the Supreme Court of Virginia that such name has beenrestored.

(1960, c. 459, § 54-50.1; 1984, c. 359; 1988, c. 765.)