54.1-3435.01 - Registration of nonresident wholesale distributors; renewal; fee.
§ 54.1-3435.01. Registration of nonresident wholesale distributors; renewal;fee.
A. Any person located outside this Commonwealth who engages in the wholesaledistribution of prescription drugs into this Commonwealth shall be registeredwith the Board. The applicant for registration as a nonresident wholesaledistributor shall apply to the Board using such forms as the Board mayfurnish; renew such registration, if granted, using such forms as the Boardmay furnish, annually on a date determined by the Board in regulation; notifythe Board within thirty days of any substantive change in the informationpreviously submitted to the Board; and remit a fee, which shall be the feespecified for wholesale distributors located within the Commonwealth.
B. The nonresident wholesale distributor shall at all times maintain a valid,unexpired license, permit, or registration in the state in which it islocated and shall furnish proof of such upon application and at each renewal.
C. Records of prescription drugs distributed into this Commonwealth shall bemaintained in such a manner that they are readily retrievable from records ofdistributions into other jurisdictions and shall be provided to the Board,its authorized agent, or any agent designated by the Superintendent of theDepartment of State Police upon request within seven days of receipt of suchrequest.
D. This section shall not apply to persons who distribute prescription drugsdirectly to a licensed wholesale distributor located within this Commonwealth.
(1994, c. 300; 2008, c. 320.)