54.1-3410.1 - Requirements for radiopharmaceuticals.
§ 54.1-3410.1. Requirements for radiopharmaceuticals.
A. A pharmacist who is authorized by the Board and acting in good faith, maysell and dispense radiopharmaceuticals pursuant to the order of a physicianwho is authorized by state or federal law to possess and administerradiopharmaceuticals for the treatment or diagnosis of disease.
B. When an authorized nuclear pharmacist dispenses a radioactive medicalmaterial, he shall assure that the outer container (shield) of theradiopharmaceutical shall bear the following information:
1. The name and address of the nuclear pharmacy;
2. The name of the prescriber (authorized user);
3. The date of dispensing;
4. The serial number assigned to the radiopharmaceutical order;
5. The standard radiation symbol;
6. The name of the diagnostic procedure;
7. The words "Caution: Radioactive Material";
8. The name of the radionuclide;
9. The amount of radioactivity and the calibration date and time;
10. The expiration date and time;
11. In the case of a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical, the patient's name orthe words "Per Physician's Order"; and
12. In the case of a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical, the patient's name.
C. Orders for radiopharmaceuticals, whether written or verbal, shall includeat least the following information:
1. The name of the institution or facility and the name of the persontransmitting the order;
2. The date that the radiopharmaceutical will be needed and the calibrationtime;
3. The name or generally recognized and accepted abbreviation of theradiopharmaceutical;
4. The dose or activity of the radiopharmaceutical at the time ofcalibration; and
5. In the case of a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical or a radiopharmaceuticalblood product, the name of the patient shall be obtained prior to dispensing.
(2000, c. 861.)