54.1-3482.1 - Certain certification required.
§ 54.1-3482.1. Certain certification required.
A. The Board shall promulgate regulations establishing criteria forcertification of physical therapists to provide certain physical therapyservices pursuant to subsection B of § 54.1-3482, without referral from alicensed doctor of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, podiatry, dentalsurgery, licensed nurse practitioner as authorized in his practice protocol,or a licensed physician assistant acting under the supervision of a licensedphysician. The regulations shall include but not be limited to provisions for(i) the promotion of patient safety; (ii) an application process forcertification to perform such procedures; (iii) minimum education, training,and experience requirements for certification to perform such procedures; and(iv) continuing education requirements relating to carrying out direct accessduties under § 54.1-3482.
B. The minimum education, training, and experience requirements forcertification shall include evidence that the applicant has successfullycompleted (i) a doctor of physical therapy program approved by the AmericanPhysical Therapy Association; (ii) a transitional program in physical therapyas recognized by the Board; or (iii) at least three years of active practicewith evidence of continuing education relating to carrying out direct accessduties under § 54.1-3482.
C. In promulgating minimum education, training, and experience criteria, theBoard shall consult with an advisory committee comprised of three membersselected by the Medical Society of Virginia and three members selected by theVirginia Physical Therapy Association. All members of the advisory committeeshall be licensed by the Board of Physical Therapy or the Board of Medicineand shall engage in clinical practice. The committee shall have a duty to actcollaboratively and in good faith to recommend the education, training, andexperience necessary to promote patient safety. The advisory committee shallprepare a written report of its recommendations and shall submit this reportto the Board of Physical Therapy and shall also submit its recommendations tothe Board of Medicine for such comments as may be deemed appropriate, priorto the promulgation of draft regulations. The advisory committee may meetperiodically to advise the Board on the regulation of such procedures.
D. In promulgating the regulations required by this section, the Board shalltake due consideration of the education, training, and experiencerequirements adopted by the American Physical Therapy Association and theAmerican Medical Association.
(2007, cc. 9, 18.)