54.1-3481 - Unlawful designation as physical therapist or physical therapist assistant; penalty.
§ 54.1-3481. Unlawful designation as physical therapist or physical therapistassistant; penalty.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed under thischapter, or whose license has been suspended or revoked or who licensure haslapsed and has not been renewed, to use in conjunction with his name theletters or words "R.P.T.," "Registered Physical Therapist," "L.P.T.,""Licensed Physical Therapist," "P.T.," "Physical Therapist,""Physio-therapist," "P.T.T.," "Physical Therapy Technician,""P.T.A.," "Physical Therapist Assistant," "Licensed Physical TherapistAssistant," or to otherwise by letters, words, representations or insigniasassert or imply that he is a licensed physical therapist. The title todesignate a licensed physical therapist shall be "P.T." The title todesignate a physical therapist assistant shall show such fact plainly on itsface.
B. No person shall advertise services using the words "physical therapy" or"physiotherapy" unless those services are provided by a physical therapistor physical therapist assistant licensed pursuant to this chapter.
C. A complaint or report of a possible violation of this section by anyperson who is licensed, certified, registered, or permitted, or who holds amultistate licensure privilege issued by any of the health regulatory boardswithin the Department of Health Professions shall be referred to theapplicable board within the Department for disciplinary action.
D. Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict or limit thelegally authorized scope of practice of any profession licensed, certified,registered, permitted, or recognized under a multistate licensure privilegeissued by any of the health regulatory boards within the Department of HealthProfessions prior to January 1, 2010.
(2000, c. 688; 2010, cc. 70, 368.)