54.1-3200 - Definitions.

§ 54.1-3200. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Board" means the Board of Optometry.

"Optometrist" means any person practicing the profession of optometry asdefined in this chapter and the regulations of the Board.

"Practice of optometry" means the examination of the human eye to ascertainthe presence of defects or abnormal conditions which may be corrected orrelieved by the use of lenses, prisms or ocular exercises, visual training ororthoptics; the employment of any subjective or objective mechanism todetermine the accommodative or refractive states of the human eye or range orpower of vision of the human eye; the use of testing appliances for thepurpose of the measurement of the powers of vision; the examination,diagnosis, and optometric treatment in accordance with this chapter, ofconditions and visual or muscular anomalies of the human eye; the use ofdiagnostic pharmaceutical agents set forth in § 54.1-3221; and theprescribing or adapting of lenses, prisms or ocular exercises, visualtraining or orthoptics for the correction, relief, remediation or preventionof such conditions. An optometrist may treat certain diseases or abnormalconditions of the human eye and its adnexa with certain therapeuticpharmaceutical agents only as permitted under this chapter.

"TPA-certified optometrist" means an optometrist who is licensed under thischapter and who has successfully completed the requirements for TPAcertification established by the Board pursuant to Article 5 (§ 54.1-3222 etseq.) of this chapter. Such certification shall enable an optometrist toprescribe and administer Schedules III through VI controlled substances anddevices as set forth in the Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) to treatdiseases, including abnormal conditions, of the human eye and its adnexa, asdetermined by the Board. Such certification shall not, however, permittreatment through surgery, including, but not limited to, laser surgery orother invasive modalities, except for treatment of emergency cases ofanaphylactic shock with intramuscular epinephrine.

The foregoing shall not restrict the authority of any optometrist licensed orcertified under this chapter for the removal of superficial foreign bodiesfrom the human eye and its adnexa or from delegating to personnel in hispersonal employ and supervised by him, such activities or functions as arenondiscretionary and do not require the exercise of professional judgment fortheir performance and which are usually or customarily delegated to suchpersons by optometrists, if such activities or functions are authorized byand performed for such optometrists and responsibility for such activities orfunctions is assumed by such optometrists.

(Code 1950, § 54-368; 1988, cc. 243, 737, 765; 1991, c. 290; 1996, cc. 152,158, 365, 436; 2004, c. 744.)