54.1-3103.1 - Administrator required for operation of assisted living facility; operation after death, illness, etc., of administrator; notification of Board; administrators operating more than one fa

§ 54.1-3103.1. Administrator required for operation of assisted livingfacility; operation after death, illness, etc., of administrator;notification of Board; administrators operating more than one facility.

A. All licensed assisted living facilities within the Commonwealth shall beunder the supervision of an administrator licensed by the Board, except asprovided in subsection B of § 54.1-3102. If a licensed assisted livingfacility administrator dies, becomes ill, resigns, or is discharged, theassisted living facility that was administered by him at the time of hisdeath, illness, resignation, or discharge may continue to operate until hissuccessor qualifies, but in no case for longer than is permitted by thelicensing authority for the facility. The temporary supervisor oradministrator shall immediately notify the Board of Long-Term CareAdministrators and the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services thatthe assisted living facility is operating without the supervision of alicensed assisted living facility administrator.

B. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit an assisted living administratorfrom serving as the administrator of record for more than one assisted livingfacility as permitted by regulations of the licensing authority for thefacility.

(2005, cc. 610, 924.)