54.1-3103 - Administrator required for operation of nursing home; operation after death, illness, etc., of administrator; notification of Board.
§ 54.1-3103. Administrator required for operation of nursing home; operationafter death, illness, etc., of administrator; notification of Board.
All licensed nursing homes within the Commonwealth shall be under thesupervision of an administrator licensed by the Board. If a licensed nursinghome administrator dies, becomes ill, resigns or is discharged, the nursinghome that was administered by him at the time of his death, illness,resignation or discharge may continue to operate until his successorqualifies, but in no case for longer than is permitted by the licensingauthority for the nursing home. The temporary supervisor or administratorshall immediately notify the Board of Long-Term Care Administrators and theCommissioner of Health that the nursing home is operating without thesupervision of a licensed nursing home administrator.
(1970, c. 775, § 54-901; 1974, c. 600; 1988, c. 765; 2005, cc. 610, 924.)