54.1-3012.1 - Nursing workforce information.
§ 54.1-3012.1. Nursing workforce information.
A. With such funds as are appropriated for this purpose, and consistent withthe provisions of § 54.1-2506.1, the Board shall collect, store, and makeavailable nursing workforce information regarding the various categories ofnurses certified, licensed or registered under the provisions of thischapter. In addition to appropriated funds, the Board may also acceptdonations or grants from private sources in addition to any licensure orcertification fee to any certified, licensed or registered nurse to carry outthe provisions of this section. The information to be collected on nursesshall include, but not be limited to: (i) demographic data; (ii) level ofeducation; (iii) employment status; (iv) employment setting such as in ahospital, physician's office, or nursing home; (v) geographic location ofemployment; (vi) type of nursing position or area of specialty; and (vii)number of hours worked per week. Such information shall be collected andupdated biennially, and shall be published, in aggregate form and in a formataccessible to the public, on the Department of Health Professions website.However, the Board may release information that identifies specificindividuals for the purpose of determining shortage designations and toqualified personnel if pertinent to an investigation, research, or study,provided a written agreement between such qualified personnel and theDepartment, which ensures that any person to whom such identities aredivulged shall preserve the confidentiality of such identities, is executed.
B. The Board shall promulgate regulations to implement the provisions of thissection. Such regulations shall include: (i) the specific number and types ofnursing workforce data elements to be collected; (ii) the process by whichthe information is collected, stored, and made available to interestedparties; (iii) provisions to ensure the confidentiality of the data to becollected and to protect the identity of all individuals submittinginformation; and (iv) other provisions as determined by the Board.
(2000, cc. 587, 701; 2002, c. 333; 2008, c. 373; 2009, c. 382.)