54.1-2952.1 - Prescription of certain controlled substances and devices by licensed physician assistants.
§ 54.1-2952.1. Prescription of certain controlled substances and devices bylicensed physician assistants.
A. In accordance with the provisions of this section and pursuant to therequirements of Chapter 33 (§ 54.1-3300 et seq.) of this title, a licensedphysician assistant shall have the authority to prescribe controlledsubstances and devices as set forth in Chapter 34 (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) ofthis title as follows: (i) Schedules V and VI controlled substances on andafter July 1, 2001, (ii) Schedules IV through VI controlled substances on andafter January 1, 2003, (iii) Schedule III through VI controlled substances onand after July 1, 2004, and (iv) Schedules II through VI controlledsubstances on and after July 1, 2007.
A licensed physician assistant shall have such prescriptive authority uponthe provision to the Board of Medicine of such evidence as it may requirethat the assistant has entered into and is, at the time of writing aprescription, a party to a written agreement with a licensed physician orpodiatrist which provides for the direction and supervision by such licenseeof the prescriptive practices of the assistant. Such written agreements shallinclude the controlled substances the physician assistant is or is notauthorized to prescribe and may restrict such prescriptive authority asdeemed appropriate by the physician or podiatrist providing direction andsupervision.
B. It shall be unlawful for the assistant to prescribe controlled substancesor devices pursuant to this section unless such prescription is authorized bythe written agreement between the licensee and the assistant.
C. The Board of Medicine, in consultation with the Board of Pharmacy, shallpromulgate such regulations governing the prescriptive authority of physicianassistants as are deemed reasonable and necessary to ensure an appropriatestandard of care for patients.
The regulations promulgated pursuant to this section shall include, at aminimum, (i) such requirements as may be necessary to ensure continuedphysician assistant competency that may include continuing education,testing, and/or any other requirement, and shall address the need to promoteethical practice, an appropriate standard of care, patient safety, the use ofnew pharmaceuticals, and appropriate communication with patients; (ii)requirements for periodic site visits by supervising licensees who superviseand direct assistants who provide services at a location other than where thelicensee regularly practices; and (iii) a requirement that the assistantdisclose to his patients the name, address and telephone number of thesupervising licensee and that he is a physician assistant. A separate officefor the assistant shall not be established.
D. This section shall not prohibit a licensed physician assistant fromadministering controlled substances in compliance with the definition of"administer" in § 54.1-3401 or from receiving and dispensing manufacturers'professional samples of controlled substances in compliance with theprovisions of this section.
(1992, c. 793; 1997, c. 806; 1999, c. 745; 2001, c. 465; 2003, c. 510; 2007,c. 16.)