54.1-2816 - License renewal; failure to return renewal form.
§ 54.1-2816. License renewal; failure to return renewal form.
Prior to the expiration of a license, the Board shall provide to each personlicensed to practice funeral service, embalming, or funeral directing arenewal notice and application to be submitted to the Board together with theprescribed fee. Upon request, the Board shall provide renewal notices by mailto any licensee. The license of any person who does not submit the completedform prior to the date of expiration shall automatically expire. The Boardshall immediately notify the person of the expiration and the reinstatementrequirements. The Board shall reinstate an expired license upon receipt,within 30 days of the notice of expiration, of the completed form and theprescribed fee. Reinstatement after the 30-day period shall be at thediscretion of the Board.
(1978, c. 849, § 54-260.70:2; 1988, c. 765; 2005, c. 477.)