54.1-2729.01 - Practice of dental assistants.
§ 54.1-2729.01. Practice of dental assistants.
A. A person who is employed to assist a licensed dentist or dental hygienistby performing duties not otherwise restricted to the practice of a dentist,dental hygienist, or dental assistant II, as prescribed in regulationspromulgated by the Board may practice as a dental assistant I.
B. A person who (i) has met the educational and training requirementsprescribed by the Board; (ii) holds a certification from a credentialingorganization recognized by the American Dental Association; and (iii) has metany other qualifications for registration as prescribed in regulationspromulgated by the Board may practice as a dental assistant II. A dentalassistant II may perform duties not otherwise restricted to the practice of adentist or dental hygienist under the direction of a licensed dentist thatare reversible, intraoral procedures specified in regulations promulgated bythe Board.
(2008, cc. 84, 264.)