54.1-2300 - Definitions.
§ 54.1-2300. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Board" means the Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators andOnsite Sewage System Professionals.
"Onsite sewage system" means a conventional onsite sewage system oralternative onsite sewage system as defined in § 32.1-163.
"Operator" means any individual employed or appointed by any owner, and whois designated by such owner to be the person in responsible charge, such as asupervisor, a shift operator, or a substitute in charge, and whose dutiesinclude testing or evaluation to control waterworks or wastewater worksoperations or to operate and maintain onsite sewage systems. Not included inthis definition are superintendents or directors of public works, cityengineers, or other municipal or industrial officials whose duties do notinclude the actual operation or direct supervision of waterworks orwastewater works.
"Owner" means the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any political subdivisionthereof, any public or private institution, corporation, association, firm orcompany organized or existing under the laws of this Commonwealth or of anyother state or nation, or any person or group of persons acting individuallyor as a group, who own, manage, or maintain waterworks or wastewater works.
"Person" means any individual, group of individuals, a corporation, apartnership, a business trust, an association or other similar legal entityengaged in operating waterworks or wastewater works.
"Wastewater works" means each system of (i) sewerage systems or sewagetreatment works, serving more than 400 persons, as set forth in § 62.1-44.18;(ii) sewerage systems or sewage treatment works serving fewer than 400persons, as set forth in § 62.1-44.18, if so certified by the State WaterControl Board; and (iii) facilities for discharge to state waters ofindustrial wastes or other wastes, if certified by the State Water ControlBoard.
"Waterworks" means each system of structures and appliances used inconnection with the collection, storage, purification, and treatment of waterfor drinking or domestic use and the distribution thereof to the public,except distribution piping. Systems serving fewer than 400 persons shall notbe considered to be a waterworks unless certified by the Board to be such.
(1970, c. 768, § 54-573.2; 1972, c. 682; 1988, c. 765; 2007, cc. 892, 924.)