54.1-1141 - Certification required; exemption.
§ 54.1-1141. Certification required; exemption.
A. No person shall engage in, or offer to engage in, work as an elevatormechanic or accessibility mechanic in the Commonwealth unless he has beencertified under the provisions of this article. Individuals certified aselevator mechanics or accessibility mechanics shall not be required to holdany other professional or occupational license or certification; however,nothing in this subsection shall prohibit an individual from holding morethan one professional or occupational license or certification.
B. Any individual desiring to be certified as an elevator mechanic oraccessibility mechanic shall file a written application on a form prescribedby the Board. The application shall be accompanied by a fee set by the Boardpursuant to § 54.1-201. The application shall contain, at a minimum, theapplicant's name, place of employment, business address, and information onthe knowledge, skills, abilities and education or training of the applicant.
C. Accessibility mechanics desiring to work on limited use/limitedapplication elevators, as defined by the Uniform Statewide Building Code,shall obtain a limited use/limited application endorsement on theircertification.
D. Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent a person who is notcertified as an elevator mechanic or accessibility mechanic from performingmaintenance that is not related to the operating integrity of an elevator,escalator, or related conveyance.
(2004, c. 188; 2007, c. 424; 2010, cc. 81, 207.)