54.1-1130 - Application for licensure; fees; examinations; issuance; waiver of examination for water well systems providers.

§ 54.1-1130. Application for licensure; fees; examinations; issuance; waiverof examination for water well systems providers.

A. Any individual desiring to be licensed as a tradesman, liquefied petroleumgas fitter or natural gas fitter provider, or certified as a backflowprevention device worker or water well systems provider shall file a writtenapplication on a form prescribed by the Board. The application shall beaccompanied by a fee set by the Board pursuant to § 54.1-201. The applicationshall contain, at a minimum, the applicant's name, place of employment, andbusiness address; and information on the knowledge, skills, abilities andeducation or training of the applicant.

If the application is satisfactory to the Board, the applicant shall berequired by Board regulations to take an oral or written examination todetermine his general knowledge of the trade in which he desires licensure orof backflow prevention devices if he desires voluntary certification unlesshe is exempt pursuant to § 54.1-1131. If the applicant successfully completesthe examination, a license as a tradesman, liquefied petroleum gas fitter, ornatural gas fitter provider, or a certificate as a backflow prevention deviceworker, shall be issued.

B. The Board shall require an applicant for certification as a water wellsystems provider, unless otherwise exempt, to take an oral or writtenexamination to determine the applicant's general knowledge of water wellsystems, including relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. If theapplicant successfully completes a required examination, a certificate shallbe issued.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, unless an applicant isfound by the Board to have engaged in any act that would constitute groundsfor disciplinary action, the Board shall issue a certificate withoutexamination to any applicant who provides satisfactory proof to the Board ofhaving been actively and continuously engaged in water well constructionactivities immediately prior to July 1, 2007, as follows: (i) at least oneyear for trainee certification; (ii) at least three years for journeymancertification; and (iii) at least six years for master certification. Thissubsection shall apply only to individuals who have been employed by aproperly licensed water well contractor during such period of active andcontinuous engagement in water well construction activities.

(1994, c. 895; 1996, cc. 934, 1006; 1997, cc. 403, 885; 1999, c. 343; 2003,c. 892; 2005, c. 792.)