54.1-1117 - Licensing of certain contractors by cities, counties and towns; qualifications and procedure; registration of certain persons engaged in business of home improvement.

§ 54.1-1117. Licensing of certain contractors by cities, counties and towns;qualifications and procedure; registration of certain persons engaged inbusiness of home improvement.

A. Except as to contractors currently licensed under the provisions of §54.1-1106, the governing body of every city, county or town shall have thepower and authority to adopt ordinances, not inconsistent with the provisionsof this chapter, requiring every person who engages in, or offers to engagein, the business of home improvement or the business of constructing single-or multi-family dwellings, in such city, county or town, to obtain a licensefrom such city, county or town.

B. The governing body of every city, county or town adopting ordinancespursuant to this section may require every applicant for such license, otherthan those currently licensed under the provisions of § 54.1-1106, (i) tofurnish evidence of his ability and proficiency; and (ii) to successfullycomplete an examination to determine his qualifications. The governing bodymay designate or establish an agent or board and establish the procedures foran examination according to the standards set forth in this chapter and inthe regulations of the Board for Contractors. Except contractors currentlylicensed under the provisions of § 54.1-1106, licensure may be refused to anyperson found not to be qualified. Persons not currently licensed pursuant to§ 54.1-1106 may be required to furnish bond in a reasonable penal sum, withreasonable condition, and with surety as the governing body deems necessary.The governing body may provide for the punishment of violations of suchordinances, provided that no such punishment shall exceed that provided formisdemeanors generally.

C. For the purpose of this section the business of home improvement shallmean the contracting for and/or providing labor and material or labor onlyfor repairs, improvements, and additions to residential buildings orstructures accessory thereto where any payment of money or other thing ofvalue is required.

(1958, c. 522, § 54-145.2; 1964, c. 479; 1970, c. 319; 1972, c. 438; 1977, c.476; 1979, c. 439; 1980, c. 634; 1988, c. 765; 1994, c. 895.)