54.1-113 - Regulatory boards to adjust fees; certain transfer of moneys collected on behalf of health regulatory boards prohibited.
§ 54.1-113. Regulatory boards to adjust fees; certain transfer of moneyscollected on behalf of health regulatory boards prohibited.
A. Following the close of any biennium, when the account for any regulatoryboard within the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation orthe Department of Health Professions maintained under § 54.1-308 or §54.1-2505 shows expenses allocated to it for the past biennium to be morethan ten percent greater or less than moneys collected on behalf of theboard, it shall revise the fees levied by it for certification or licensureand renewal thereof so that the fees are sufficient but not excessive tocover expenses.
B. Nongeneral funds generated by fees collected on behalf of the healthregulatory boards and accounted for and deposited into a special fund by theDirector of the Department of Health Professions shall be held exclusively tocover the expenses of the health regulatory boards, the Health Practitioners'Monitoring Program, and the Department and Board of Health Professions andshall not be transferred to any agency other than the Department of HealthProfessions, except as provided in §§ 54.1-3011.1 and 54.1-3011.2.
(1981, c. 558, § 54-1.28:1; 1988, c. 765; 1993, c. 499; 2006, c. 631; 2009,c. 472.)