54.1-103 - Additional training of regulated persons; reciprocity; endorsement.

§ 54.1-103. Additional training of regulated persons; reciprocity;endorsement.

A. The regulatory boards within the Department of Professional andOccupational Regulation and the Department of Health Professions maypromulgate regulations specifying additional training or conditions forindividuals seeking certification or licensure, or for the renewal ofcertificates or licenses.

B. The regulatory boards may enter into agreements with other jurisdictionsfor the recognition of certificates and licenses issued by otherjurisdictions.

C. The regulatory boards are authorized to promulgate regulations recognizinglicenses or certificates issued by other states, the District of Columbia, orany territory or possession of the United States as full or partialfulfillment of qualifications for licensure or certification in theCommonwealth.

(1979, c. 408, § 54-1.28; 1983, c. 569; 1988, c. 765; 1990, c. 194; 1993, c.499.)