53.1-209 - Foreign prisoners to be held in Virginia.
§ 53.1-209. Foreign prisoners to be held in Virginia.
Pursuant to the order or request of the Governor, of any court, attorney forthe Commonwealth of Virginia, or any other authorized officer, if anyprisoner of the United States, District of Columbia or of any other state betendered to the custody of the Director or any duly authorized officer of astate correctional facility, either within this Commonwealth or to betransported to this Commonwealth to be held for trial for crime in Virginiaor as a witness in any criminal proceeding in Virginia, the Director orofficer is hereby authorized to receive the prisoner into custody. TheDirector or officer is hereby clothed with the same powers with respect tocustody as is possessed over prisoners held after conviction of a crime andsentencing to a state correctional facility by a court of this Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 53-304; 1982, c. 636.)