53.1-197 - Credit allowed for career and technical educational or other educational training.

§ 53.1-197. Credit allowed for career and technical educational or othereducational training.

Every person sentenced to the Department, while in a local or statecorrectional facility, who participates in career and technical education orother training while confined, or who shows such interest and application inhis work assignment as to exhibit unusual progress toward rehabilitation,may, in the discretion of the Director be allowed a credit toward his paroleeligibility date and upon the total term of confinement to which he has beensentenced. Such credit may be from one day to five days for each month he hasbeen engaged in such career and technical education or other training or hasapplied himself in excess of minimal work assignment requirements. Any creditaccumulated prior to June 1, 1975, toward the term of confinement may, in thediscretion of the Director, be credited toward such prisoner's paroleeligibility date.

(Code 1950, § 53-213.1; 1968, c. 302; 1973, c. 204; 1975, c. 244; 1976, c.180; 1982, c. 636; 2001, c. 483.)