53.1-155.1 - Participation in residential community program prior to final release.
§ 53.1-155.1. Participation in residential community program prior to finalrelease.
The Department may give nonviolent prisoners who have not been convicted of aviolent crime and who have been sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment ofat least three years the opportunity to participate in a residentialcommunity program, work release, or a community-based program approved by theSecretary of Public Safety within six months of such prisoner's projected ormandatory release date. The Secretary shall prescribe guidelines to governthe residential community programs, work release, or community-based programs.
Any wages earned pursuant to this section by a prisoner may be paid to thedirector or administrator of the program after standard payroll deductionsrequired by law. Distribution of such wages shall be made for the followingpurposes:
1. To pay an amount to defray the cost of his keep;
2. To pay travel and other such expenses made necessary by his work release,employment, or participation in a residential community program or acommunity-based program;
3. To provide support and maintenance for his dependents or to make paymentsto the local department of social services or the Commissioner of SocialServices, as appropriate, on behalf of dependents who are receiving publicassistance as defined in § 63.2-100; or
4. To pay any fines, restitution, or costs as ordered by the court.
Any balance at the end of his sentence shall be paid to the prisoner upon hisrelease.
(2003, c. 850.)