52-43 - Reports.

§ 52-43. Reports.

The Department shall submit an annual report to the Governor and GeneralAssembly no later than February 15 of each year on the progress made indeterring insurance fraud. Such report shall detail (i) all expenditures andreceipts of the Insurance Fraud Investigation Unit, (ii) the uses to whichthese funds were put, including payment of salaries and expenses, purchasesof equipment and supplies, and other expenditures by type, and (iii) theresults achieved as a consequence of such expenditures, including the numberof notifications or inquiries received, the number of inquiries andinvestigations undertaken, the number of inquiries to which an investigationwas not initiated, the number of arrests, the number of files presented toprosecutors, the number of prosecutions, the number of convictions and thetotal dollar amount of restitution resulting from the operation of theInsurance Fraud Investigation Unit.

(1998, c. 590.)