51.5-55 - Membership of Board; terms, compensation, and expenses.
§ 51.5-55. Membership of Board; terms, compensation, and expenses.
A. All powers, rights and duties conferred by this chapter or otherprovisions of law upon the Authority shall be exercised by the Board ofDirectors of the Authority. The Board shall consist of twelve members asfollows: the Secretary of Health and Human Resources or his designee; anemployee of the Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center; an experienced consumerlender; a certified public accountant; two persons with investment financeexperience; and six persons with a range of disabilities. The citizen membersshall be appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the General Assembly. TheBoard shall annually elect a chairman from among its members. Board membersshall receive no salaries but shall be reimbursed for all reasonable andnecessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties onbehalf of the Authority.
B. The ten citizen members of the Board shall be appointed for four-yearterms, except that appointments to fill vacancies shall be made for theunexpired terms. Representatives of state agencies shall serve coincidentwith the term of the Governor. No member appointed by the Governor shall beeligible to serve more than two complete terms in succession.
C. Meetings of the members of the Board shall be held at the call of thechairman or whenever six members so request. The Board may delegate to a loancommittee the authority to review and approve or deny loan applications basedupon information provided to or obtained by the Board, in accordance withcriteria established by the Board and subject to the Board's ratification atits next regular meeting. In any event, the Board shall meet as necessary toattend to the business of the Authority.
(1995, c. 812; 1996, c. 930; 2000, cc. 21, 294; 2002, c. 19.)