51.1-132 - Eligible employees.
§ 51.1-132. Eligible employees.
Officers and employees of the political subdivision who are regularlyemployed full time on a salaried basis and whose tenure is not restricted asto temporary or provisional appointment may become members of the retirementsystem. Clerks of the circuit court and deputies shall be included in thecoverage group. Officers and employees of an organization other than a publicschool board that functions solely within the boundaries of a county, city,or town shall be deemed to be officers and employees of the county, city, ortown, and not of the organization, unless the cost of the organization'soperation is borne by (i) the users of services, (ii) more than one county,city, or town, or (iii) any entity other than a county, city, or town.
A member of a local system who, through election to a position as aconstitutional officer, is no longer eligible for membership in the localsystem, and who, prior to such election, has accumulated within that systemmore than half the total service credits necessary to become eligible forfull normal retirement benefits, may choose, with the concurrence of thelocal governing body, (i) not to participate in the retirement systemestablished pursuant to this chapter and (ii) to become a member of the localsystem. In such case, the member shall be deemed, for retirement purposesonly, to have ceased employment, and shall be permitted to withdraw hiscontribution as provided in § 51.1-161.
(1952, c. 157, § 51-111.31; 1954, c. 241; 1958, c. 367; 1960, c. 400; 1973,c. 523; 1974, c. 353; 1975, c. 296; 1976, c. 581; 1977, c. 620; 1990, c. 832;1994, c. 883.)