50-73.7 - Service on limited partnership.
§ 50-73.7. Service on limited partnership.
A. A domestic or foreign limited partnership's registered agent is thelimited partnership's agent for service of process, notice, or demandrequired or permitted by law to be served on the limited partnership. Theregistered agent, by instrument in writing, acknowledged before a notarypublic, may designate a natural person or persons in the office of theregistered agent upon whom any such process, notice or demand may be served.Whenever any such person accepts service of process, a photographic copy ofsuch instrument shall be attached to the return.
B. Whenever a domestic or foreign limited partnership fails to appoint ormaintain a registered agent in the Commonwealth, or whenever its registeredagent cannot with reasonable diligence be found at the registered office,then the clerk of the Commission shall be an agent of the limited partnershipupon whom service may be made in accordance with § 12.1-19.1.
C. This section does not prescribe the only means, or necessarily therequired means, of serving a domestic or foreign limited partnership.
(1985, c. 607; 1991, c. 672; 2001, cc. 517, 541; 2007, c. 631.)