50-73.56 - Name.
§ 50-73.56. Name.
A. No certificate of registration shall be issued to a foreign limitedpartnership unless the name of such limited partnership satisfies therequirements of § 50-73.2. If the name of a limited partnership does notsatisfy the requirements of § 50-73.2, in order to obtain or maintain acertificate of registration:
1. The foreign limited partnership may add to its name for use in thisCommonwealth the words "limited partnership" or "a limited partnership,"or the abbreviation "L.P." or "LP," or, in the case of a limitedpartnership that is also registered as a foreign limited liabilitypartnership in Virginia, a word, abbreviation or designation to bring itsname into compliance with the requirements of clause (ii) of subdivision A 2of § 50-73.78; or
2. If its real name is unavailable, the foreign limited partnership may use adesignated name that is available and that satisfies the requirements of §50-73.2 if it informs the Commission of the designated name.
B. No foreign limited partnership registered with the Commission under thisarticle which is conducting or transacting business in this Commonwealthunder the designated name of the partnership set forth in the application forregistration filed pursuant to § 50-73.54, nor any partner of that limitedpartnership, shall be required to file any assumed or fictitious name orcomparable certificate solely for such conduct or transaction of partnershipbusiness.
C. A foreign limited partnership that is registered with the Commission priorto July 1, 2002, under a name other than the name under which it isregistered in its state or other jurisdiction of formation may continue to beso registered until the name in its application for registration is amendedor its certificate of registration is canceled.
(1985, c. 607; 1990, c. 343; 2002, c. 441.)