5.1-113 - Duration of certificates, etc.; suspension, revocation, or amendment; penalties.
§ 5.1-113. Duration of certificates, etc.; suspension, revocation, oramendment; penalties.
Certificates, permits and licenses issued under the provisions of thischapter shall be effective from the dates specified therein and shall remainin effect until terminated as herein provided. The Commission may at anytime, by its order duly entered after hearing held after notice to the holderof any such certificate, permit or license and an opportunity to such holderto be heard at which it shall be proved that such holder has willfully madeany misrepresentation of a material fact in obtaining such certificate,permit or license, or has willfully violated or refused to observe the lawsof this Commonwealth touching such certificate, permit or license, or any ofthe terms of his certificate, permit or license, or any of the Commission'sproper orders, rules or regulations, impose a penalty not exceeding $1,000,which may be collected by the process of the Commission as provided by law;or the Commission may suspend, revoke, alter or amend any such certificate,permit or license for any of the causes set forth above. But no suchcertificate, permit or license shall be revoked, altered or amended (exceptupon application of the holder thereof) unless the holder thereof shallwillfully fail to comply, within a reasonable time to be fixed by theCommission, with the lawful order of the Commission or with the lawful ruleor regulation of the Commission, or with the term, condition or limitation ofsuch certificate, permit or license, found by the Commission to have beenviolated by such holder.
Proceedings for the imposition of any penalty provided for in this sectionmay be commenced upon the complaint of any person or upon the Commission'sown initiative.
From any order of the Commission suspending, revoking, altering or amendingany certificate, permit or license, the holder thereof shall have the rightof appeal to the Supreme Court of Virginia, as a matter of right, as in othercases of appeals from the Commission.
(Code 1950, § 56-167; 1970, c. 708.)