5.1-156 - Powers and duties of the Authority.
§ 5.1-156. Powers and duties of the Authority.
A. For the purpose of acquiring, operating, maintaining, developing,promoting and protecting Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport andWashington Dulles International Airport together as primary airports forpublic purposes serving the metropolitan Washington area, the Authority shallhave all necessary or convenient powers including, but not limited to, thepower:
1. To adopt and amend bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and theconduct of its business;
2. To plan, establish, operate, develop, construct, enlarge, maintain, equipand protect the airports;
3. To adopt and amend regulations to carry out the powers granted by thissection;
4. To adopt an official seal and alter the same at its pleasure;
5. To appoint one or more advisory committees;
6. To issue revenue bonds of the Authority for any of its purposes, payablesolely from the fees and revenues pledged for their payment, and to refundits bonds, all as provided in this act;
7. To borrow money on a short-term basis and issue from time to time itsnotes therefor payable on such terms, conditions or provisions as it may deemadvisable;
8. To fix, revise, charge, and collect rates, fees, rentals and other chargesfor the use of the airports;
9. To acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property in the exerciseof its powers and the performance of its duties under this act;
10. To employ, in its discretion, consulting engineers, attorneys,accountants, construction and financial experts, superintendents, managers,and such other employees and agents as may be necessary, and to fix theircompensation and benefits. Employees of the Authority shall not participatein any strike or assert any right to strike against the Authority, and anyemployment agreement entered into by the Authority shall contain an explicitprohibition against strikes by the employee or employees covered by suchagreement. The Authority shall comply with any act of Congress concerningformer employees of the Federal Aviation Administration and MetropolitanWashington Airports;
11. To sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded;
12. To construct or permit the construction of commercial and otherfacilities consistent with the purposes of this act upon the airport propertyon terms established by the Authority;
13. To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary ordesirable to the performance of its duties, the proper operation of theairports and the furnishing of services to the travelling public and airportusers, including contracts for normal governmental services on a reimbursablebasis with local political subdivisions where the Authority Facilities aresituated and with the District of Columbia government; and any such contractsshall be exclusive or limited when it is necessary to further the publicsafety, improve the quality of service, avoid duplication of services, orconserve airport property and the airport environment;
14. To apply for, receive and accept such payments, appropriations, grants,gifts, loans, advances, and other funds, properties, and services as may betransferred or made available to it by the United States government or anyother public or private entity or individual;
15. To make payments to reimburse the local political subdivisions where theAuthority Facilities are situated for extraordinary law-enforcement costsincurred by such localities; and
16. To do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the powersexpressly granted in this act.
B. Pursuant to Section 6007 (b) of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Actof 1986, the Authority is established solely to operate and improve bothmetropolitan Washington airports as primary airports serving the metropolitanWashington area and shall be independent of the Commonwealth and its localpolitical subdivisions, the District of Columbia and the federal governmentin the performance and exercise of the airport-related duties and powersenumerated in subdivisions 1 through 16 of subsection A of this section. Anyconflict between the exercise of these enumerated powers by the Authority andthe powers of any local political subdivision within which AuthorityFacilities are situated shall be resolved in favor of the Authority.
(2001, c. 342.)