47.1-11.1 - Evidence of authenticity of electronic notarial act.
§ 47.1-11.1. Evidence of authenticity of electronic notarial act.
A. Form of evidence of authority of electronic notarial act. On a notarizedelectronic document transmitted to another state or country outside of theUnited States, electronic evidence of the authenticity of the officialsignature and seal of an electronic notary of the Commonwealth of Virginia,if required, shall be attached to or logically associated with the documentand shall be in the form of an electronic certificate of authority signed bythe Secretary that is independently verifiable, will be invalidated if theunderlying document is improperly modified, and is in conformance with anycurrent and pertinent international treaties, agreements, and conventionssubscribed to by the government of the United States.
B. Certificate of authority for electronic notarial act. An electroniccertificate of authority evidencing the authenticity of the officialsignature and seal of an electronic notary of the Commonwealth of Virginiashall contain substantially the following words:
Certificate of Authority for an Electronic Notarial Act
I, .......... (name and title), certify that .................... (name of
electronic notary), the person named as Electronic Notary Public in the
attached or associated electronic document, was commissioned as an Electronic
Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Virginia and authorized to act as such
at the time of the document's electronic notarization.
To verify this Certificate of Authority for an Electronic Notarial Act, I have
included herewith my electronic signature this .... day of ............, 20
(Electronic signature and seal of commissioning official)
C. For issuing an electronic certificate of authority, the Secretary maycharge a fee in an amount set by the Secretary.
(2007, cc. 269, 590.)