46.2-944 - Definitions.
§ 46.2-944. Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Jurisdiction" means a state, territory, or possession of the UnitedStates, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
"Home jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction that issued the driver's licenseof the traffic violator.
"Issuing jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction in which the traffic citationwas issued to the motorist.
"Party jurisdiction" means any jurisdiction which by its laws or by writtenagreement with the Commonwealth extends to residents of Virginiasubstantially the rights and privileges provided by this article.
"Court" means a court of law or traffic tribunal.
"Citation" means any summons, ticket, or other official document issued bya police officer for a traffic violation containing an order which requiresthe motorist to respond.
"Terms of the citation" means those options expressly stated upon thecitation.
"Compliance" means the motorist must appear for a hearing and/or pay courtfines and costs.
"Driver's license" means any license or privilege to operate a motorvehicle issued under the laws of the home jurisdiction.
"Collateral" or "bond" means any cash or other security deposited tosecure an appearance for trial, following the issuance by a police officer ofa citation for a traffic violation.
"Personal recognizance" means a signed agreement by a motorist made at thetime of issuance of the traffic citation that he will comply with the termsof that traffic citation.
"Motorist" means a driver of a motor vehicle operating in a partyjurisdiction other than the home jurisdiction.
"Police officer" means any individual authorized by the party jurisdictionto issue a citation for a traffic violation.
(1964, c. 247, § 46.1-179.1; 1974, c. 559; 1975, c. 205; 1980, c. 366; 1989,c. 727.)