46.2-881 - Special speed limitation on bridges, tunnels and interstates.
§ 46.2-881. Special speed limitation on bridges, tunnels and interstates.
It shall be unlawful to drive any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer onany public bridge, causeway, viaduct, or in any tunnel, or on any interstateat a speed exceeding that indicated as a maximum by signs posted thereon orat its approach by or on the authority of the Commonwealth TransportationCommissioner.
The Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner, on request or on his owninitiative, may conduct an investigation of any public bridge, causeway,viaduct, tunnel, or interstate and, on the basis of his findings, may set themaximum speed of vehicles which such structure or roadway can withstand orwhich is necessitated in consideration of the benefit and safety of thetraveling public and the safety of the structure or roadway. The CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner is expressly authorized to establish and indicatevariable speed limits on such structures or roadways to be effective undersuch conditions as would in his judgment, warrant such variable limits,including but not limited to darkness, traffic conditions, atmosphericconditions, weather, emergencies, and like conditions which may affectdriving safety. Any speed limits, whether fixed or variable, shall beprominently posted in such proximity to such structure or roadway as deemedappropriate by the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner. The findings ofthe Commissioner shall be conclusive evidence of the maximum safe speed whichcan be maintained on such structure or roadway.
(Code 1950, § 46-215; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-196; 1966, c. 85; 1977, c. 259;1989, c. 727; 2006, c. 139.)