46.2-341.20:1 - Disqualification for railroad/highway grade crossing violations
§ 46.2-341.20:1. Disqualification for railroad/highway grade crossingviolations.
A. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B, the Commissioner shalldisqualify for a period of sixty days any person whose record, as maintainedby the Department, shows that he has been convicted of any offense committedwhile operating a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any law relatingto the operation of a motor vehicle at a railroad/highway grade crossing,including but not limited to the provisions of Article 9 (§ 46.2-884 et seq.)of Chapter 8 of this title and the provisions of the Virginia and FederalMotor Carrier Safety Regulations, and any similar law of any other state orany locality.
B. The period of disqualification shall be for 120 days if the conviction wasfor an offense described in subsection A, committed within three years of aprior such offense, or for one year if for a third or subsequent such offensecommitted within three years, provided each offense arose from separateincidents.
(2002, c. 724.)