46.2-2156 - Solicitation, booking, registration by other persons prohibited; storage-in-transit.
§ 46.2-2156. Solicitation, booking, registration by other persons prohibited;storage-in-transit.
A. No person except a certificated household goods carrier, its parent, orits wholly owned subsidiary company, or other entity under completeownership, or an employee of the above certificated carrier may solicit, bookor register a shipment of household goods moving intrastate and only in thename of that certificated carrier.
B. No person or employee of a certificated or a noncertificated carrier mayact as an employee, representative, or agent for another certificated carrierfor purpose of soliciting, booking or registering an intrastate shipmentexcept as provided in subsection A of this section. No person or employee ofa certificated carrier who solicits, books or registers intrastate shipmentsmay be employed by a noncertificated carrier.
C. A certificated household goods carrier may utilize the services of anothercertificated household goods carrier or a permitted property carrier that hascomplied with the minimum cargo insurance requirements of this chapter forstorage and final delivery on storage-in-transit shipments at destination. Aproperty carrier who does not hold a household goods certificate of publicconvenience and necessity is prohibited from delivering a shipment for agreater distance than thirty road miles from the warehouse. The shipment mustmove on the bill of lading of the originating certificated household goodscarrier with the delivering certificated household goods carrier or propertycarrier shown on the bill of lading. The legal liability of the shipmentremains the responsibility of the originating certificated household goodscarrier.
D. A household goods carrier may interchange or interline shipments with anyother certificated household goods carrier provided both carriers hold properauthority to transport the shipment from origin to destination. The shipmentmust move on the bill of lading of the originating certificated householdgoods carrier with the delivering certificated household goods carrier shownon the bill of lading. The legal liability of the shipment remains theresponsibility of the originating certificated household goods carrier.
(2001, c. 596.)