46.2-2067 - Local regulation of number of taxicabs.
§ 46.2-2067. Local regulation of number of taxicabs.
A. It is the policy of this Commonwealth, based on the public health, safetyand welfare, to assure safe and reliable privately operated taxicab servicefor the riding public in this Commonwealth; and in furtherance of thispolicy, it is recognized that it is essential that counties, cities and townsbe granted the authority to reasonably regulate such taxicab service as tothe number of operators and the number of vehicles that shall provide suchservice and regulations as to the rates or charges for such taxicab service,even though such regulations may have an anti-competitive effect on suchservice by limiting the number of operators and vehicles within a particularjurisdiction.
B. The governing body of any county, city, or town in the Commonwealth mayregulate by ordinance and limit the number of taxicab operators and thenumber of taxicabs within its jurisdiction in order to provide safe andreliable privately operated taxicab service on any highway, street, road,lane or alley in such county, city, or town. The governing body maypromulgate such reasonable regulations to further the provisions of thissection including, but not limited to, minimum liability insurancerequirements. However, such ordinances and regulations shall not prescribethe wages or compensation to be paid to any driver or lessor of any suchmotor vehicle by the owner or lessee thereof. Further, such ordinances andregulations shall not impose (i) regulatory requirements concerning claimssettlement practices beyond those imposed by § 46.2-2056 or (ii) financialrequirements to qualify as a self-insurer beyond those imposed by § 46.2-2053on any taxicab operator who, in lieu of filing an insurance policy or suretybond, has qualified as a self-insurer pursuant to § 46.2-2053 by depositingwith the State Treasurer state, federal or municipal bonds or has filed anunconditional letter of credit issued by a bank. Nothing herein shall beconstrued to affect or control the authority of counties, cities or towns toset the amount, if any, of locally established liability insurancerequirements that may be met by a program of self-insurance.
(2001, c. 596.)