46.2-2001.3 - Application; notice requirements.

§ 46.2-2001.3. Application; notice requirements.

A. Applications for a license, permit, certificate, or identification markerunder this chapter shall be made to the Department and contain suchinformation and exhibits as the Department shall require. Such informationshall include, in the application or otherwise, the matters set forth in §46.2-2011.24 as grounds for denying licenses, permits, and certificates, andother pertinent matters requisite for the safeguarding of the public interest.

B. An applicant for any original certificate of public convenience andnecessity issued under this chapter, or any request for a transfer of suchcertificate, unless otherwise provided, shall cause a notice of suchapplication, on the form and in the manner prescribed by the Department, onevery motor carrier holding the same type of certificate issued by theDepartment and operating or providing service within the area proposed to beserved by the applicant.

C. An applicant for any original certificate or license issued under thischapter, or any request for a transfer of such certificate or license, shallcause a notice of such application, on the form and in the manner prescribedby the Department, on every affected person who has requested notification.

D. An applicant for any original certificate or license issued under thischapter, or any request for a transfer of such certificate or license, shallcause a publication of a summary of the application to be made in a newspaperhaving a general circulation in the proposed area to be served or area wherethe primary business office is located within such time as the Department mayprescribe.

(2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 870.)