46.2-219 - Bonds of Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners, assistants, administrators, and law-enforcement officers; liability insurance policies.
§ 46.2-219. Bonds of Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners, assistants,administrators, and law-enforcement officers; liability insurance policies.
The Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioners, the assistant commissioners, theadministrators, and law-enforcement officers appointed by the Commissionerand engaged in the enforcement of criminal laws and the laws relating to theoperation of motor vehicles on the highways in the Commonwealth shall, beforeentering on or continuing in their duties, enter into bond with some solventguaranty, indemnity, fidelity, or casualty company authorized to do businessin the Commonwealth as surety, in the penalty of $100,000 and with conditionfor the faithful and lawful performance of their duties. These bonds shallbe filed in the office of the Department and the premiums thereon shall bepaid out of the fund appropriated for the enforcement of the laws concerningmotor vehicles. All persons injured or damaged in any manner by theunlawful, negligent, or improper conduct of any such officer while on dutymay maintain an action on the bond.
In lieu of posting bond as provided in this section, any assistant orlaw-enforcement officer may furnish an adequate liability insurance policy asproof of his ability to respond in damages which may be adjudged against himin favor of any person or persons injured or damaged in any manner resultingfrom his unlawful, negligent, or improper conduct while on official duty, tothe amount of $100,000. The premiums on any such insurance policy or policiesshall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the enforcement of the lawsconcerning motor vehicles.
All such bonds and insurance policies shall be approved by the Commissioner.
(Code 1950, § 46-40; 1950, p. 221; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-39; 1976, c. 78;1989, c. 727.)