46.2-1921 - Issuance, expiration, and renewal of licenses and certificates of registration.
§ 46.2-1921. Issuance, expiration, and renewal of licenses and certificatesof registration.
A. All licenses and certificates of registration issued under this chaptershall be issued for a period of twelve consecutive months except, at thediscretion of the Commissioner, the periods may be adjusted as is necessaryto distribute the licenses and certificates as equally as practicable on amonthly basis. The expiration date shall be the last day of the twelfth monthof validity or the last day of the designated month. Every license andcertificate of registration shall be renewed annually on application by thelicensee or registrant and by payment of fees required by law, the renewal totake effect on the first day of the succeeding month.
B. Licenses and certificates of registration issued under this chapter shallbe deemed not to have expired if the renewal application and required fees asset forth in this subsection are received by the Commissioner or postmarkednot more than thirty days after the expiration date of such license orcertificate of registration. Whenever the renewal application is received bythe Commissioner or postmarked no more than thirty days after the expirationdate of such license or certificate of registration, the license fees shallbe 150 percent of the fees provided for in § 46.2-1919.
C. The Commissioner may offer an optional multi-year license. When suchoption is offered and chosen by the licensee, all annual and twelve-monthfees due at the time of licensing shall be multiplied by the number of yearsor fraction thereof for which the license will be issued.
(1995, cc. 767, 816; 1997, c. 848; 1998, c. 325.)