46.2-1992.39 - Registration of dealers; fees.

§ 46.2-1992.39. Registration of dealers; fees.

Every manufacturer, distributor, or dealer, before he commences to operatetrailers in his inventory for sale or resale, shall apply to the Commissionerfor a dealer's certificate of vehicle registration and license plates. Forthe purposes of this article, a trailer is in inventory when it is owned by,or assigned to, a dealer and is offered and available for sale or resale. Alldealer's certificates of vehicle registration and license plates issued underthis section may, at the discretion of the Commissioner, be placed in asystem of staggered issue to distribute the work of issuing vehicleregistration certificates and license plates as uniformly as practicablethroughout the year. Dealerships which sold fewer than twenty-five trailersduring the last twelve months of the preceding license year shall be eligibleto receive no more than two dealer's license plates; dealerships which soldat least twenty-five but fewer than fifty trailers during the last twelvemonths of the preceding license year shall be eligible to receive no morethan four dealer's license plates. However, dealerships which sold fifty ormore trailers during their current license year may apply for additionallicense plates not to exceed four times the number of licensed salespersonsemployed by that dealership. Dealerships which sold fifty or more trailersduring the last twelve months of the preceding license year shall be eligibleto receive a number of dealer's license plates not to exceed four times thenumber of licensed salespersons employed by that dealership. A new applicantfor a dealership shall be eligible to receive a number of dealer's licenseplates not to exceed four times the number of licensed salespersons employedby that dealership. For the purposes of this article, a salesperson oremployee shall be considered to be employed only if he (i) works for thedealership at least twenty-five hours each week on a regular basis and (ii)is compensated for this work. All salespersons' or employees' employmentrecords shall be retained in accordance with the provisions of §46.2-1992.22. A salesperson shall not be considered employed, within themeaning of this section, if he is an independent contractor as defined by theUnited States Internal Revenue Code. The fee for the issuance of dealer'slicense plates shall be thirty dollars per year for the first two dealer'slicense plates and thirteen dollars per year for each additional dealer'slicense plate.

(1996, cc. 1043, 1052.)