46.2-1601 - Licensing of dealers of salvage vehicles; fees.
§ 46.2-1601. Licensing of dealers of salvage vehicles; fees.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in business in the Commonwealthas a demolisher, rebuilder, salvage dealer, salvage pool, or vehicle removaloperator without first acquiring a license issued by the Commissioner foreach such business at each location. The fee for the first such licenseissued or renewed under this chapter shall be $100 per license year or partthereof. The fee for each additional license issued or renewed under thischapter for the same location shall be $25 per license year or part thereof.However, no fee shall be charged for supplemental locations of a businesslocated within 500 yards of the licensed location. No license shall be issuedor renewed for any person unless (i) the licensed business contains at least600 square feet of enclosed space, (ii) the licensed business is shown to bein compliance with all applicable zoning ordinances, and (iii) effectiveOctober 1, 2009, any new applicant, and, effective with the next renewal of alicense after October 1, 2009, any other applicant must (a) certify to theCommissioner that the licensed business is permitted under a VirginiaPollutant Discharge Elimination System individual or general permit issued bythe State Water Control Board for discharges of storm water associated withindustrial activity and provides the permit number(s) from such permit(s) or(b) certify to the Commissioner that the licensed business is otherwiseexempt from such permitting requirements. Nothing in this section shallauthorize any person to act as a motor vehicle dealer or salesperson withoutbeing licensed under Chapter 15 of this title and meeting all requirementsimposed by such chapter.
The Commissioner may offer an optional multiyear license for any license setforth in this section. When such option is offered and chosen by thelicensee, all fees due at the time of licensing shall be multiplied by thenumber of years for which the license will be issued.
On due notice and hearing, the Commissioner may suspend or revoke any licenseissued under this chapter for any violation of any provision of this chapteror a violation of § 46.2-1074 or § 46.2-1075. Suspension or revocation shallonly be imposed on the specific business found to be in violation.
(1988, c. 865, § 46.1-550.7:1; 1989, c. 727; 1990, c. 197; 1992, c. 148;1999, c. 53; 2009, c. 664.)