46.2-1558.1 - Alternative print-on-demand program for issuance of temporary license plates to dealers and vehicle owners.
§ 46.2-1558.1. Alternative print-on-demand program for issuance of temporarylicense plates to dealers and vehicle owners.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 46.2-1558, the Department may developand implement procedures and requirements necessary for delivery of temporarylicense plates to dealers and issuance of temporary license plates by dealersto vehicle owners, using print-on-demand technology.
B. In the event the Department implements a print-on-demand temporary licenseplate program pursuant to this section, all dealers licensed on or after theeffective date of the program shall be required to purchase and issue onlyprint-on-demand temporary license plates.
C. The Commissioner shall not impose a requirement relating to the minimumnumber of sets of temporary plates that must be purchased by a dealerpursuant to a print-on-demand temporary license plate program implementedunder this section.
D. Except as otherwise provided in this section, temporary license platesdelivered and issued pursuant to this section shall be subject to allconditions and limitations set forth in this article.
(2006, c. 545.)