46.2-1519 - License and registration fees; additional to other licenses and fees required by law.
§ 46.2-1519. License and registration fees; additional to other licenses andfees required by law.
A. The fee for each license and registration year or part thereof shall bedetermined by the Board, subject to the following:
1. For motor vehicle dealers, not more than $300 for each principal place ofbusiness, plus not more than $40 for each supplemental license.
2. For motor vehicle salespersons, not more than $50.
B. The licenses, registrations, and fees required by this chapter are inaddition to licenses, taxes, and fees imposed by other provisions of law andnothing contained in this chapter shall exempt any person from any license,tax, or fee imposed by any other provision of law.
C. The fee for issuance to a nonprofit organization of a certificate pursuantto subsection B of § 46.2-1508.1 shall be $25 per year or any part thereof.
D. No nonprofit organization granted a certificate pursuant to subsection Bof § 46.2-1508.1 shall, either orally or in writing, assign a value to anydonated vehicle for the purpose of establishing tax deduction amounts on anyfederal or state income tax return.
E. The Board may authorize discounts and other incentives to encouragelicensees to conduct transactions with the Board (i) by means of electronictechnologies and (ii) for multi-year periods.
(1988, c. 865, § 46.1-525.010; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 148; 1993, c. 122;1995, cc. 767, 816; 2000, c. 180; 2001, c. 23.)