46.2-1511 - Dealer-operator to have certificate of qualification.
§ 46.2-1511. Dealer-operator to have certificate of qualification.
A. No license shall be issued to any franchised motor vehicle dealer or anyindependent motor vehicle dealer owned by a franchised motor vehicle dealeror its dealer-operator and operated by the dealer-operator of a franchisedmotor vehicle dealer unless the dealer-operator holds a valid certificate ofqualification issued by the Board. Such certificate shall be issued only onapplication to the Board, payment of an application fee of no more than $50as determined by the Board, the successful completion of an examinationprepared and administered by the Board, and other prerequisites as set forthin this subsection. However, any individual who is the dealer-operator of alicensed dealer on July 1, 1995, shall be entitled to such a certificatewithout examination on application to the Board made on or before January 1,1996.
The Board may establish minimum qualifications for applicants and requireapplicants to satisfactorily complete courses of study or other prerequisitesprior to taking the examination.
B. No license shall be issued to any independent motor vehicle dealer, exceptas permitted in subsection A unless the dealer-operator holds a validcertificate of qualification issued by the Board. Such certificate shall beissued only on application to the Board, payment of an application fee of nomore than $50, as determined by the Board, the successful completion of anexamination approved by the Board, and other prerequisites as set forth inthis subsection. The Board may establish minimum qualifications forapplicants and, on and after January 1, 2006, shall require applicants for anoriginal independent dealer-operator certificate of qualification to beissued pursuant to this subsection to satisfactorily complete a course ofstudy prior to taking the examination. The Board shall develop the coursecurriculum and set course fees and may approve qualified persons to prepareand present such courses and to administer the examination. This subsectionshall not be subject to the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§2.2-4000 et seq.).
(1988, c. 865, § 46.1-525.02; 1989, c. 727; 1995, cc. 767, 816; 2005, c. 321.)