46.2-1232 - Localities may regulate removal or immobilization of trespassing vehicles.
§ 46.2-1232. Localities may regulate removal or immobilization of trespassingvehicles.
A. The governing body of any county, city, or town may by ordinance regulatethe removal of trespassing vehicles from property by or at the direction ofthe owner, operator, lessee, or authorized agent in charge of the property.In the event that a vehicle is towed from one locality and stored in orreleased from a location in another locality, the local ordinance, if any, ofthe locality from which the vehicle was towed shall apply.
B. No local ordinance adopted under authority of this section shall requirethat any towing and recovery business also operate as or provide services asa vehicle repair facility or body shop, filling station, or any businessother than a towing and recovery business.
C. Any such local ordinance may also require towing and recovery operators to(i) obtain and retain photographs or other documentary evidencesubstantiating the reason for the removal; (ii) post signs at their mainplace of business and at any other location where towed vehicles may bereclaimed conspicuously indicating (a) the maximum charges allowed by localordinance, if any, for all their fees for towing, recovery, and storageservices and (b) the name and business telephone number of the localofficial, if any, responsible for handling consumer complaints; (iii) obtainat the time the vehicle is towed, verbal approval of an agent designated inthe local ordinance who is available at all times; and (iv) obtain, at thetime the vehicle is towed, if such towing is performed during the normalbusiness hours of the owner of the property from which the vehicle is beingtowed, the written authorization of the owner of the property from which thevehicle is towed, or his agent. Such written authorization, if required,shall be in addition to any written contract between the towing and recoveryoperator and the owner of the property or his agent. For the purposes of thissubsection, "agent" shall not include any person who either (a) is relatedby blood or marriage to the towing and recovery operator or (b) has afinancial interest in the towing and recovery operator's business.
(Code 1950, § 46-541; 1952, c. 352; 1954, c. 435; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-551;1978, cc. 202, 335; 1979, c. 132; 1983, c. 34; 1985, c. 375; 1989, cc. 17,727; 1990, cc. 502, 573; 2006, cc. 874, 891; 2009, cc. 186, 544.)