46.2-1227 - Enforcement of state regulations governing parking on primary and secondary highways.
§ 46.2-1227. Enforcement of state regulations governing parking on primaryand secondary highways.
Any regulation of the Commissioner under the provisions of § 46.2-1223relating to parking on any primary or secondary highway shall provide:
1. That uncontested citations issued under the regulation shall be paid tothe administrative official or officials appointed under the provisions ofthis section in the locality in which the part of the highway lies, or in thelocality where there is no appointed administrative official the citationsshall be paid to the local treasurer, who shall promptly pay them into thegeneral fund of the state treasury; and
2. That contested or delinquent citations shall be certified or complaint,summons, or warrant shall be issued as provided in § 46.2-1225 to the generaldistrict court in whose jurisdiction the part of the highway lies. Any sumscollected by such court, minus court costs, shall be promptly paid by theclerk into the general fund of the state treasury.
(1974, c. 403, § 46.1-254.1; 1975, c. 440; 1977, c. 671; 1980, c. 355; 1989,c. 727.)