46.2-1224 - County ordinances prohibiting certain parking in streets and highways.
§ 46.2-1224. County ordinances prohibiting certain parking in streets andhighways.
A. The governing body of any county may, by ordinance, prohibit any personfrom parking any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer on or adjacent to thehighways in the county when such person parks any such motor vehicle,trailer, or semitrailer for commercial purposes. The provisions of any suchordinance shall not apply to motor vehicle carriers when picking up ordischarging passengers.
B. The governing bodies of (i) counties with populations greater than 500,000and of towns located therein and (ii) counties with populations of at least210,000 but less than 217,000 may, by ordinance, prohibit any person fromparking any commercial vehicle, as defined in this section, on the highwayswithin their respective jurisdiction in areas zoned for residential use. Forthe purposes of this section, the term "commercial vehicle" may include:(i) any solid waste collection vehicle, tractor truck or tractortruck/semitrailer or tractor truck/trailer combination, dump truck, concretemixer truck, tow truck with a registered gross weight of 12,000 pounds ormore, and any heavy construction equipment, whether located on the highway oron a truck, trailer, or semitrailer; (ii) any trailer, semitrailer, or othervehicle in which food or beverages are stored or sold; (iii) any trailer orsemitrailer used for transporting landscaping or lawn-care equipment whetheror not such trailer or semitrailer is attached to another vehicle; (iv) anyvehicle licensed by the Commonwealth for use as a common or contract carrieror as a limousine; (v) any truck more than 20 feet in length, other thancommercial vehicles used by a public service company as defined in § 56-1 orby others working on its behalf, or commercial vehicles used in the provisionof cable television service as defined in § 15.2-2108.2, or commercialvehicles used in the provision of propane gas service; and (vi) any vehiclecarrying commercial freight in plain view. Such ordinance shall permit,however, one resident of each single-family dwelling unit zoned forresidential use to park one vehicle licensed as a taxicab or limousine onsuch highways, provided other vehicles are permitted to park thereon. Theprovisions of any such ordinance shall not apply to a commercial vehicle whenpicking up or discharging passengers or when temporarily parked pursuant tothe performance of work or service at a particular location.
C. The governing bodies of counties with populations greater than 500,000 andthe governing bodies of towns within such counties' boundaries may byordinance prohibit any person from parking any of the following vehicles onthe highways within their respective jurisdictions in areas zoned forcommercial or industrial use if such highways do not comply with the currentgeometric design standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation RoadDesign Manual or Subdivision Street Requirements that would apply had thehighways been constructed at the time of adoption of such ordinance: (i) anysolid waste collection vehicle, tractor truck, or tractor truck/semitraileror tractor truck/trailer combination, dump truck, concrete mixer truck, towtruck with a registered gross weight of 12,000 pounds or more, and any heavyconstruction equipment, whether located on the highway or on a truck,trailer, or semitrailer; (ii) any trailer, semitrailer, or other vehicle inwhich food or beverages are stored or sold; or (iii) any trailer orsemitrailer used for transporting landscaping or lawn care equipment whetheror not such trailer or semitrailer is attached to another vehicle. Theprovisions of any such ordinance shall not apply to any commercial vehiclewhen picking up or discharging passengers or when temporarily parked pursuantto the delivery of goods or the performance of work or service at aparticular location.
Any violation of the provisions of any such ordinance shall be a trafficinfraction.
(Code 1950, § 46-259.2; 1952, c. 602; 1958, cc. 10, 541, § 46.1-254; 1989, c.727; 1996, c. 770; 1997, c. 19; 1998, cc. 391, 403, 424; 2005, c. 293; 2006,cc. 874, 891; 2009, c. 183.)