46.2-1256 - Notice of convictions; revocation of disabled parking placards and license plates.
§ 46.2-1256. Notice of convictions; revocation of disabled parking placardsand license plates.
A. Upon the entry of a conviction under §§ 46.2-1247 through 46.2-1253, orunder any ordinance which incorporates any of those sections by reference,the court shall send notice of the conviction and the number of the licenseplate or placard involved to the Commissioner. Such notice may be transmittedby electronic means.
B. Upon receiving notice pursuant to subsection A of this section, theCommissioner may revoke any disabled parking license plate, DV disabledparking license plate, organizational, permanent, or temporary placard of anindividual or organization found guilty under §§ 46.2-1247 through 46.2-1253if he finds, after a hearing if requested by the person to whom the licenseplate or placard is issued, that such person (i) is not a person with adisability that limits or impairs his ability to walk and is not otherwiseeligible to be issued a license plate or a placard pursuant to §§ 46.2-731,46.2-739, or § 46.2-1241, or (ii) is authorized to have such license plate orplacard but has allowed the abuse or misuse of the privilege granted therebyso that revocation appears appropriate to remedy the abuse or misuse.
(1997, cc. 783, 904.)