46.2-1190.6 - Other grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses.
§ 46.2-1190.6. Other grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses.
A license issued pursuant to this article may be denied, suspended, orrevoked on any one or more of the following grounds, where applicable:
1. Material misstatement or omission in application for license;
2. Failure to comply subsequent to receipt of a written notice from theDepartment or any willful failure to comply with a lawful order, anyprovision of this article, or any term, condition, or restriction of alicense;
3. Failure to comply with zoning or other land use regulations, ordinances,or statutes;
4. Use of deceptive business acts or practices;
5. Knowingly advertising by any means any assertion, representation, orstatement of fact that is untrue, misleading, or deceptive relating to theconduct of the business for which a license is held or sought;
6. Having been found, through a judicial or administrative hearing, to havecommitted fraudulent or deceptive acts in connection with the training centerfor which a license is held or sought, or any consumer-related fraud;
7. Having been convicted of any criminal act involving the training centerfor which a license is held or sought;
8. Improper assignment, lending, or otherwise allowing the improper use of alicense;
9. Any corporate officer, owner, administrator and any individual authorizedto obligate the training center having been convicted of a felony;
10. Any corporate officer, owner, administrator and any individual authorizedto obligate the training center having been convicted of any misdemeanorinvolving lying, cheating, stealing, or moral turpitude;
11. Failure to furnish the Department information, documentation, or recordsrequired or requested pursuant to this article;
12. Knowingly and willfully filing any false report, account, record, ormemorandum;
13. Willfully altering or changing the appearance or wording of a trainingcenter license or a course completion certificate;
14. Failure to provide services in accordance with the terms, limitations,conditions, or requirements of the license; or
15. Failure to comply with other state and federal requirements relating totraining center operations.
(2004, c. 734.)