46.2-1190.2 - Facilities and equipment; requirements and approval.
§ 46.2-1190.2. Facilities and equipment; requirements and approval.
A. A training center shall possess or have access to the use of allclassroom, range, storage facilities, and equipment. A training center'sfacilities and equipment shall be approved by the Department and include, butnot be limited to:
1. A classroom for the presentation of the off-cycle instructional portion ofthe novice, experienced, and sidecar and three-wheeled motorcycle ridercourses;
2. A paved range area for the on-cycle portion of the novice, experiencedrider, and sidecar and three-wheeled motorcycle courses consistent with theminimum range requirements established by the Department-approved curriculumused in the course;
3. For those agencies, organizations, businesses and individuals that applyto receive reimbursement, adequate storage to protect motorcycles andequipment from vandalism, theft, and environmental damage;
4. Audio-visual equipment; and
5. Fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
B. The training center shall be responsible for procuring and providing aminimum of one motorcycle that may lawfully be operated on the highways ofthe Commonwealth, has an engine displacement of no more than 500 cubiccentimeters, weighs less than 400 pounds, and is equipped with a seat whoseheight will accommodate each novice rider course participant. Eachparticipant in the experienced rider course shall provide a motorcycle foruse in the course. One sidecar rig or three-wheeled motorcycle, provided byeither a participant or the training center, shall be required for use byevery two students in the sidecar and three-wheeled motorcycle course.
C. The training center shall be responsible for the normal maintenance andrepair of all motorcycles it provides for each novice rider and sidecar andthree-wheeled motorcycle course participant. All motorcycles used in courseinstruction shall pass a safety inspection performed by the instructors priorto use in any motorcycle rider-training course.
D. The Department, or its authorized agent, shall inspect and approve eachtraining center's facilities and equipment prior to issuance or renewal of alicense.
(2004, c. 734; 2007, c. 190.)