46.2-1184 - Fleet emissions inspection stations.
§ 46.2-1184. Fleet emissions inspection stations.
Any registered owner or lessee of a fleet of at least twenty vehicles mayapply to the Director for a permit to establish a fleet emissions inspectionstation consistent with federal requirements. The Director shall not issueany fleet emissions inspection station permit until he has found that theapplicant:
1. Maintains an established place of business for the applicant's fleet ofvehicles;
2. Has obtained approved machinery, tools, and equipment to adequatelyconduct the required emissions inspection in the manner prescribed byregulations of the Board;
3. Employs properly trained and licensed personnel to perform the necessarylabor; and
4. Agrees to provide test records and data as may be prescribed by theDirector.
Upon issuance of a permit by the Director, the owner or lessee of the motorvehicle fleet may conduct emissions inspections of the vehicles in his fleet. No emissions inspection approval shall be issued to any fleet vehicle untilit has been inspected and found to comply with applicable regulations.
No holder of a fleet emissions inspection station permit shall inspect anyvehicle for which such permittee is not the registered owner or lessee.
(1980, c. 469, § 46.1-326.10; 1988, c. 806; 1989, c. 727; 1993, cc. 995, 998;1993, Sp. Sess., c. 2.)